Sunday, November 15, 2009

Waiting is Hard!

I don't know if Warhol is right...but I'm ready for this baby.

All this weekend, Beth and I kept asking "is this the last weekend that we'll be non-parents?"

It's a bizarre feeling knowing that everything in your whole life is about to change and not knowing exactly when that will start. It could be tonight or it might still be a over a week away.

Getting up and going to work tomorrow will be difficult, knowing that any minute, Beth might call and I will have to leave and be gone for at least 2 weeks.

I'm not known for my patience, but I guess this is just the first lesson my daughter is teaching me (and I better learn this one fast!)

1 comment:

  1. Untitled Smith Project 2009: Release date Friday? Or is it one of those mid-week blockbuster releases next week?

    We just don't know!
