I have a cold. Not H1N1...just a cold. Yep. Figures, since I got both my seasonal flu and my H1N1 vaccination. However, its a full blown sneezing, snuffly, drippy nose, aches and pains, can't sleep filled cold. boo. hiss.
So, I've spent the last few days pretty much exclusively in bed...which would be great if I wasn't still gestating the Karate Kid.
I mean, I realize she is ready to come out anyday now...but does she have to do "the crane" every five minutes to remind me? It's like she has 10 arms and legs and they have managed to each push on a different rib, all the while also kicking my stomach, bladder, pelvic floor and backbone...WOW! We may have a mini circus performer on our hands!
So I'm trying to keep hydrated, keep my feet up so they don't explode and getting as much rest as I can. Really, right now I'd settle for just not peeing my pants every time I sneeze.
This cracks me up. Not that I'm laughing at your pain; it's just the way you're silly & snarky, yet upbeat about it all. Hope those feet calm down!!