9 Pounds!
1 month...9 pounds!!
I mean how is that even possible???
Yes, I know, thank you for your words of kind reassurance friends, family & loved ones, my wonderful down to earth OBGYN....
....but I AM allowed to have a freak-out over this. No, really, I AM!
I wouldnt be so distressed if I wasnt feeling it in every dad blammit fiber of my being. Bending over has become laborious, grocery shopping has become an endurance sport and my feet have begun to literally swell out of my shoes by mid afternoon. I have such high hopes for my weekends and poof, there they go with barely a project accomplished. Mid stair resting has become a pastime of mine now and lets not even talk about the middle of the night pee breaks anymore! I guarantee you there are no amount of kegel excercises that can thwart 9 more pounds of kidlet pressing on my pelvic floor.
So, prenatal yoga classes here I come. Sorry tacos...you'll have to be relegated to once a week now. Momma needs more salads...and less pie...probably.....
le sigh.
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