Around 13 weeks we received our first screening ultrasound. This is the test where they compare your blood test results and a measurement from the back of the baby's neck to get an idea of any genetic defects you might be at risk for. Ours went very well and we are at low risk.
What's fun is that they have a nicer ultrasound machine so instead of the ameoba-like blob we saw on our first run through with the lower grade machine, this one actually looked like something. Well...okay, it looked like a peanut, but that, at least is something!
Hence, we now refer to our growing bundle of joy as "the peanut."
I know, I know, but come on, did you expect anything different from us?
My favorite part (other than the nurse pressing as hard as she could on my full to bursting bladder)was seeing peanut bounce and hop and twitch all over. We were especially fascinated by the cute little frog legs that she was able to take a picture of. Iv'e included a picture so you too can be a part of our experience. Here's how:
1.) Drink a gallon of water and wait 30 minutes.
2.) Squeeze freezing cold hair gel onto your stomach and lean against a counter top to apply pressure for just the right amount of discomfort.
3.) Turn out all the lights.
4.) Print out the picture above, tie it onto a string, and have someone else dangle it about 10 feet away.
5.) Bounce the picture up and down on the string and shine a flashlight on it while squinting your eyes so you can see every little detail.
6.) Try not to pass gas or pee on yourself thus ruining the wonderful moment.
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