LIARS! They are all LIARS!
Don't believe anyone. It's a conspiracy!
We've been told our whole lives that you are pregnant for 9 months. 9 MONTHS!
Am I right? That's what YOU were told in health class right?
No. You are NOT right. You are wrong.
Because some sicko Dr. or nurse way back when decided that it would be a grand idea to measure our little peanut's development in weeks instead of months. That's weeks folks. And I am supposed to be pregnant for around 40-42 of those same said weeks!
For those of you with a calculator handy...that does not equal 9 months. That equals 10 months!
10 months of explosive gas, unintended belching, growth in places that were never intended to grow that big, the Mount Vesuvius of heartburn and an emotional roller coaster that would rival the world's most spectacular upside-down-side-to-side-loop-dee-loop version that was ever invented!
PLUS...if that werent enough to contend with...they also want me to do MATH? In my weakened, forgetful, dazed and confused state?
I'm supposed to translate weeks into months and vice-versa? Noooo waaaay!
I mean, Im still just getting over the fact that I actually can grow boobs.
So, for those of you who want to know. I'm somewhere around 1/2 way done. Dont ask me what that means in weeks or months, cause I just don't know.