If so, I have got this virtue nailed!
5 days overdue now.
Look, I know this isnt a big deal. I know she is going to come when she is darn good and ready. I know I'll make it. I know I need to be patient.
But, this waiting thing is HARD!
I thought it wasn't possible to get any bigger...but I was wrong. I now am the proud owner of a roll of neck pudge and a gobbler under my chin bigger than the Thanksgiving turkey! My excema has taken a turn for the worse so even if I wanted to take one of those great pregnancy photos where my huge momma belly is displayed prominently...it would just be covered in skritchy scratchies...and my boobs are cracked already...and I cant poop...and my back is KILLING me...and I have stretch marks on the insides of my thighs...and my hair looks like crap...and I can only wear my favorite velour track suit so much before even it loses its luster. le sigh.
And, I appreciate everyones kind comments and helpful suggestions. Really. I do! But sometimes, ya just gotta vent, ya know? Get it all out. Whine a little. Have a bitch-fest-pity-party.
I've had an induction massage, worked my pressure points, stimulated my nipples, had hilarious, uncomfortable sex with my trooper of a husband...AND...I even sent my mom back home to Seattle thinking surely that would do the trick! Even Castor oil is starting to appeal to me. But...let's face it, this kiddo is gonna be stubborn!
Now, there's a shocker.
I'm going in for acupuncture tomorrow and another non stress test and then the OBGYN on Wed.
For those of you who are following: Willie is posting "babywatch updates" on his facebook and twitter pages. They have been uneventful up to this point but are a great way to get the minute by minute updates.
Facebook page
Twitter tag: @wsmith74
yours sincerely...
Beth and a still in the shell "peanut"
5 days overdue now.
Look, I know this isnt a big deal. I know she is going to come when she is darn good and ready. I know I'll make it. I know I need to be patient.
But, this waiting thing is HARD!
I thought it wasn't possible to get any bigger...but I was wrong. I now am the proud owner of a roll of neck pudge and a gobbler under my chin bigger than the Thanksgiving turkey! My excema has taken a turn for the worse so even if I wanted to take one of those great pregnancy photos where my huge momma belly is displayed prominently...it would just be covered in skritchy scratchies...and my boobs are cracked already...and I cant poop...and my back is KILLING me...and I have stretch marks on the insides of my thighs...and my hair looks like crap...and I can only wear my favorite velour track suit so much before even it loses its luster. le sigh.
And, I appreciate everyones kind comments and helpful suggestions. Really. I do! But sometimes, ya just gotta vent, ya know? Get it all out. Whine a little. Have a bitch-fest-pity-party.
I've had an induction massage, worked my pressure points, stimulated my nipples, had hilarious, uncomfortable sex with my trooper of a husband...AND...I even sent my mom back home to Seattle thinking surely that would do the trick! Even Castor oil is starting to appeal to me. But...let's face it, this kiddo is gonna be stubborn!
Now, there's a shocker.
I'm going in for acupuncture tomorrow and another non stress test and then the OBGYN on Wed.
For those of you who are following: Willie is posting "babywatch updates" on his facebook and twitter pages. They have been uneventful up to this point but are a great way to get the minute by minute updates.
Facebook page
Twitter tag: @wsmith74
yours sincerely...
Beth and a still in the shell "peanut"