Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dots vs dashes

Yesterday we celebrated our 2 year anniversary.
We also had an ultrasound.

Now everyone seemed to have an opinion about what we were having.
Willie's mom was sure we were having a mom was sure we were having a girl.
Willie said boy, Kelly said girl, and everyone else had an opinion based on my size, or how I was carrying, or just based on their gut. (Although Willie's mom did have a dream the night before our ultrasound changing her mind)

I have always maintained that I would not wager a guess until we heard from a professional. I believe I actually said that I would only believe we were having a boy if I saw "dangly bits" on the screen. Secretly, I had my money on us having a boy because every time we got an ultrasound "the peanut" was bouncing around like a little boy on a trampoline.
Only a mini Willie could be that antsy.

So, we went in and sure enough, the little squirt was still squiggling all over the place making it difficult to get a good read on all the measurements that needed to happen. We even had to take a break hoping that peanut would settle down. Nope. But we eventually were able to see all the fingers, toes, bones, spine, heart chambers, major organs, brain development and umbilical cord insertion...and one big spread-eagled view of the peanut's "parts."

What they dont tell you is that there really are no "dangly bits" to tell you the story...
...just dots and dashes.
Apparently 3 dashes in a straight line mean girl and 3 dots that are not in a line mean a boy.
And we had a pretty good view of 3 dashes. Happy Anniversary to us! We're having a girl!

But nothing is 100% in this world and we personally know several couples who were told they were having a girl and received quite a surprise upon we are going to stick with gender neutral colors for now and start boning up on Hannah Montana.


  1. Congrats you two! That is so exciting. We still have Liam's ultrasound pic on the fridge :-)

  2. Welcome, Peanut. You have so many fantastic family members waitng for you. You have two of the most wonderful parents caring for you.
    Ok, then Nana will see you soon.
