Now I realize that there are really only so many questions that you can ask a pregnant woman before you approach the dreaded territory...
1.) How far along are you ? or When are you due?
2.) Do you know what you are having?
3.) How do you feel?
4.) Can I touch your belly?
(And, yes, I appreciate your asking if you can touch my belly...and yes, you can. Unless you are creepy stranger, then, NO you cannot touch my belly.)
But then, it always comes down to..."Have you picked out a name yet?"
I thought this would be an easy question. Really, I did. But Willie and I have struggled with this probably more than anything. It has become a very daunting task and one we didnt realize would be so fraught with opinions. Both of us have rolled our eyes at each others suggestions, mulled over ideas, nixed several favorites off the list due to past associations or because celebrities and popularity are stupid or even because we looked up the meaning and just cant possibly name our child after "crooked nose" I mean really!
So, to answer your question. No. We have not chosen a name and we are not going to divulge our favorites but we are going to compile our list of favorites and let our little one make the decision for us when they come out.
would a rose by any other name smell as sweet? the two of you will choose the right name for your little one, and it's meaning will be one of the first very precious gifts you bestow upon your child, that and how the name sounds. you wrote "when they" are born. . . any chance of that meaning twins?